Fipronil is new type of termite control that for over 5 years has faced the stiffest tests that US and foreign researchers could throw at it. Without exception, Fipronil passed with flying colors. In fact, no other termiticide in history has consistently returned ’100% effective’ results whenever and wherever it was used.
For you, ’100% effective’ means that you can now choose a termiticide that eliminates termites from you home or business for at least the next 5 years.
The most tested termiticide in history
Before Fipronil was made available to American homeowners through certified pest management firms, it went through some of the toughest tests in history. For almost 6 years, grueling USDA-Forest Service ground board and concrete slab trials in Florida, Arizona, Mississippi and South Carolina tested Fipronil. At every application rate and at every last location, Fipronil proved 100% effective. No exceptions. No excuses.
Tough Japanese research 7 year tests against Formosan termites proved Fipronil to be 100% effective. There were no exceptions, and among the termites, no survivors. Since 1997, more than 100 single family dwellings and apartments from New York and Texas to Florida and Hawaii were treated with Fipronil. Results? 100% control of termites within 3 months or less. Over the past 4 years more than 20,000 homes in France have been treated with Fipronil. During this period there hasn’t been a single failure or callback. Not one.
What makes Fipronil different?
The active ingredient is Fipronil , and it works quite differently from other active ingredients. It also manages termite colonies in 3 months or less (that can be 2-6 times faster than the best bait systems). Here’s why.
Termites don’t know it’s there
Many termiticides are repellents, applied as a barrier. This means they keep termites away instead of killing them. But if there’s a gap in the treatment, the repellent effect fails and the termites get through. Fipronil is non-repellent. Termites can’t smell it, see it or feel it. Since they don’t know it’s there, they forage freely in a treated area. The ’100% effective’ results begin here.
Kills individual termites in two ways
First, and like other leading termiticides, Fipronil kills termites when they eat it (since they don’t know it’s there, they ingest it readily). Second, and unlike all other termiticides, Fipronil is lethal to termites by contact. Thus, the termites don’t even have to ingest it to die from its effects.
‘Transfer effect’ controls the colony
As well as eating Fipronil, a termite will also unknowingly pick it up and carry it back to the colony on its body. Every other termite it contacts, feeds or grooms will itself become a carrier, contacting and infecting others.
But because the fipronil is slow-acting and allows the termite to continue its normal routine, it remains active long enough to transfer the termiticide to a large number of other termites in the colony before dying itself. This combination of ingestion, contact, and ‘transfer effect’ (which is unique, and puts Fipronil in a category by itself) routinely provides 100% termite control in 3 months or less. No exceptions. Can be 2-6 times faster than a bait system
Fipronil manages termite colonies a lot faster than bait systems, which can take from many months to several years. In addition, termite bait is not added to a monitoring station until termite activity is actually observed at that station. As well as taking time, this also leaves the possibility of termite damage to the structure being baited, even though no termite activity is seen at the outlying stations.
With Fipronil termites are killed, dead. That’s why there are no excuses. And a lot less waiting around.
Is it safe?
Fipronil is effective at very low application rates: typically, the active ingredient firpronil will be just 0.06%. Since 1995, fipronil has been used for flea and tick control on millions of cats and dogs, globally. And since Fipronil bonds to the soil, there’s no leaching through rainfall or irrigation.
Does it smell?
No. Fipronil has virtually no odor (which means neither you nor your family will notice anything). Since it’s applied with water, there’s also no solvent smell.
Who makes Fipronil?
How the ‘Transfer Effect’ works
Once a termite has ingested or contacted Termidor treated material with its body, it becomes a ‘carrier’. Every other termite it contacts will be infected…….which in turn infects every other termite it contacts. But Fipronil works slowly, letting termites contact many others before dying themselves. And although the Fipronil effect on individual termites is intentionally slow, the overall colony management is fast: it can be 2-6 times faster than bait systems.
red colored termite-1st individual ‘carrier’ termites. yellow colored termite-2nd group of infected termites. white colored termite-termites remaining to be infected in the colony.
Only Fipronil provides 100% peace of mind against termites, period. No exceptions. No excuses.